Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 09:19:20 +0000 From: To: Gloucester@Insomnia247.NL Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) An error occurred while trying to deliver the mail to the following recipients: [ Part 2: "Delivery Status Notification" ] Reporting-MTA: dns; Action: failed Final-Recipient: rfc822; Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 554 5.7.1 : Recipient address rejected: Access denied Status: 5.7.1 [ Part 3: "Undelivered Message" ] Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 09:19:18 +0000 From: Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester To: Cc:, Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester Subject: Friday conversation Dear Mister Denis Lambert, I telephoned you on Friday. Thanks for talking to me and for inviting me to email you. I emailed you then but I received the attached bounce report 2024-07-15a_ECHR_said_to_email_this_address_but_Undelivered_Mail_Returned_to_Sender.txt so I am emailing from a different email account. So please immediately confirm that you received this email. Merci ! Sincères salutations. Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 17:10:03 +0100 From: Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester To: Cc:, Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester Subject: telephone conversation at 3:04p.m. today Dear Mister Denis Lambert, I congratulate you on talking to me by telephones today at 3:04p.m. French time. Merci ! Alas, many different employees at the European Court of Human Rights refuse to talk to me. You yourself asked me am I journalist. I am a journalist - for example an editor of a law journal wrote to me about a draft of an article by me which focuses on a different tribunal: "[. . .] Note on the Article's Theme: The central theme of the article concerns [. . .], particularly in its handling of cases related to human rights violations in Portugal. The author argues that [. . .] This theme is critical as it touches upon the fundamental aspects of international law and justice, [. . .]". It is conceivable that I could write in the future an article for a law journal which would be based on recordings of conversations with the European Court of Human Rights from inter alia today. However, it is not exclusively as a journalist that I telephoned you today. I am a victim of many violations against human rights. Please cf. inter alia reports by your European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) about me ( ) and HTTPS://Gloucester.Insomnia247.NL/Feld_72_16042024/am_18._April_2024_per_Post_gesandt/Feld_72_16042024__Application_Form_DEU.bak20.pdf which mainly consists of quotations from you (the CPT and the ECHR) about one of these defendants. Why are the protocols and the application forms and many others of your documents not available in all the official languages of the contracting states? "[. . .] and you will have a decision within 2 to 6 months." said a woman at the ECHR to myself today. "But a deadline is 4 months [. . .] violating Article 34." said I myself, therefore why did this woman at the ECHR dare to deny that this deliberate systematic widespread catch-22 is a violation against Article 34? N.B. that waitings until after a deadline to reject application forms are also violations by the ECHR against another law. Cf. attachment 2024-07-12z_d6_We_receive_your_complaint_said_the_ECHR.txt "Persons have been murdered." said I myself. Cf. 2024-07-12z_d6_We_receive_your_complaint_said_the_ECHR.txt and Feld_72_16042024__Application_Form_DEU.bak20.pdf at Page 8 / 13. This woman at the ECHR rudely hung up a phone sans enabling myself to ask further questions. Why did she hang up? Why did she answer a phone none of the other times that I telephoned? What is her identity? Will a disciplinary process proceed against her (for example at your Administrative Tribunal or or your Ethics Officer)? For circa 3 months, lawyers warn me that they do not have spare capacities or they are not competent to represent me or they are on vacations or we need translations. Cf. an example of such an email from today quoted below. HUDOC reports neither the names nor the contact details of the lawyers in many of its documents, therefore the ECHR violates Article 34. Please help victims including me to instruct lawyers sufficiently soon. Do you have any legally enforcable objection to recordings of these telephone conversations being published as online supplementary material to a law journal and to the International Criminal Court and to universial-jurisdiction courts and to French courts and to other publishees e.g. USENET and the Internet? Examples of recordings from today are at HTTP://Gloucester.Insomnia247.NL/Feld_72_16042024/inte_bifogad_med_16042024_formular/2024-07-12z_d5_We_receive_your_complaint_said_the_ECHR.wma but I do not prematurely enable publications thereof. (So, though you can see that this audio file exists, you can neither listen to it nor download it yet before I shall decide that I shall be ready to enable accesses to it.) Sincères salutations. Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester -------- Teachtaireacht Ar Aghaidh -------- Ábhar: SV: EMK artikkel 3 & Portugal Dáta: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 10:51:03 +0000 Ó: [. . .] Chuig: [. . .] Cc: Olaf [. . .] Hello again mr. [. . .]! I am afraid, my answer is the same today. As Olaf is on vacation and I am close to mine, this project will be impossible to start now, given the timeframe. My last email: I have conferred with my colleague mr. Olaf Halvorsen Rønning. We will unfortunately not be able to assist you within the frame you need, for compliance with ECHR demands. As we both have Supreme Court cases to prepare in May and summer travels booked after, our assistance will not be of sufficient quality within these frames. Accept my apologies for the late reply, and my best wishes for you endeavors. [. . .] Advokat (H) / Partner Medlem av Den norske Advokatforening [. . .] Denne e-post med eventuelle tilhørende dokumenter er kun beregnet for den angitte adressat. Dersom du ikke er rette mottaker av e-posten, gjøres det oppmerksom på at enhver kopiering eller annen videreformidling av opplysningene ikke er tillatt. Har du mottatt e-posten ved en feiltakelse, ber vi om at du snarest kan gi oss beskjed på telefon [. . .] Videre ber vi om at du sletter e-posten med evt. tilhørende filvedlegg. [. . .] -----Opprinnelig melding----- Fra: [. . .] Sendt: fredag 12. juli 2024 11:48 Til: [. . .] Kopi: Olaf [. . .] Emne: SV: EMK artikkel 3 & Portugal Viktighet: Høy Hallo [. . .]! I can pay you in full in advance next week. I wrote on 19/04/2024: "Hallo [. . .]! I telephoned you this morning and yesterday evening. As you requested, I repeat web addresses of this application: A draft with many English quotations by the CPT and with text in German and Irish composed by me is at Portugal never serves on me all of the documents of this process. I chronologically ordered 1408 pages of documents and I merged them into 1 huge file: You can also download them as separate files de: e.g. you asked about this process's final domestic judgment which seems to be: (I do not understand Portugese). "Cuireadh_caipeis_cuirte_o_2018_in_iul_dom_don_1u_uair_ar_an_2024-04-09" is ASCII for Cuireadh cáipéis cúirte ó 2018 in iúl dom don 1ú uair ar an 09/04/2024 which are Irish for A judgment from the year 2018 became served upon me for the first time on 09/04/2024! [. . .]" Hallo [. . .]! I failed to find an Article-3 lawyer with spare capacity. I never studied Norwegian. A workmate to you can probably read Swedish - cf. - or German - cf. and - and I could translate to English or I could pay a translator to translate to any language. Can you help me please? Med vennlig hilsen. [. . .] [. . .] Advokat (H) / Partner Medlem av Den norske Advokatforening [. . .] Denne e-post med eventuelle tilhørende dokumenter er kun beregnet for den angitte adressat. Dersom du ikke er rette mottaker av e-posten, gjøres det oppmerksom på at enhver kopiering eller annen videreformidling av opplysningene ikke er tillatt. Har du mottatt e-posten ved en feiltakelse, ber vi om at du snarest kan gi oss beskjed på telefon [. . .] Videre ber vi om at du sletter e-posten med evt. tilhørende filvedlegg. [. . .] [ Part 3.2, "" Text/PLAIN (Name: ] [ "2024-07-12z_d6_We_receive_your_complaint_said_the_ECHR.txt") ~3.9 ] [ KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ Part 3.3, "" Text/PLAIN (Name: ] [ "2024-07-15a_ECHR_said_to_email_this_address_but_Undelivered_Mail_Re ] [ turned_to_Sender.txt") ~9.9 KB. ]