>>> Posting number 1926, dated 12 Mar 1997 21:52:29 Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 21:52:29 +0000 Reply-To: Discussion of Fraud in Science Sender: Discussion of Fraud in Science From: Neville Goodman Subject: chapman/wilmshurst MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Apologies if these articles have been noted already on the list - I've been on holiday and busy and so less able than usual to peruse postings at leisure. 1 The report on the Chapman affair has been published, with no evidence found of conspiracy by either Leeds General Infirmary or Leeds University: see British Medical Journal 1997 (1Mar); 314: 627. 2 There is an editorial on industry-sponsored research in Lancet 1997 (1Mar); 349: 588. 3 A _*must*_ for all SciFrauders is Peter Wilmshurst's 'Viewpoint _Code of silence_ (Lancet 1997 (Feb22); 349: 567- 569. He has no special answers, but some pretty juicy cases to report that come from his personal experience. His most scathing comments are aimed at - for want of a better word - the establishment, whom he accuses of not wanting to be bothered about fraud in medical science. I like best his story of the fraudulent MD (see pg 568, col 2, para 3), which ends "The doctor now holds a senior international position in medicine." Neville Dr Neville W Goodman Consultant Anaesthetist Southmead Hospital BS10 5NB UK Nev.W.Goodman@REDACTED.ac.uk "There once was a brave academic who was wont to deliver polemic on the farce and the fraud which most people ignored that, alas, had become epidemic." (AMSB of NWG, Xmas 95)